- Act as positive role models to all young players
- Be familiar with, and abide by, the RFU Safeguarding Policy in relation to verbal and emotional abuse
- Respect the rugby club regarding spectator behaviour
- Remember children play sport for their enjoyment not yours
- Acknowledge good individual and team performance from all youngsters irrespective of the team for whom they play
- Respect match officials’ decisions. Remember - they are volunteers providing an opportunity for youngsters to play rugby
- Never verbally abuse young players, match officials, fellow spectators, or coaches. Such behaviour can create a negative environment for young players and their behaviour will often reflect this
- Acknowledge effort and good performance rather than ‘win at all costs’ ethic
- Verbally encourage all youngsters in a positive way. If you do want to shout make sure it is ‘for’, not ‘at’ the players
- Encourage all youngsters irrespective of their ability - never ridicule any individual player, regardless of the team for whom they play