Surrey Rugby

If you'd like our Volunteer Coordinator to visit your club to talk through your ideas or offer suggestions and advice, please get in touch. The RFU have also produced helpful webinars, including reports directly from clubs about what's worked well for them - see below for links. Let us know if there's anything else you'd lke to see from us to help.

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Volunteer Recruitment & Retention

It can be tricky to find volunteers, and it's always a great idea to start with parents of youth players - getting them involved from the get-go. Failing that, make sure you use your social media channels to actively seek out volunteers. It's also a great idea to connect with local high schools, colleges and universities to see if you can work together;  you get your social media/website looked after - they get real work experience for their students. Having volunteered at your local rugby club is a great addition to anyone's CV!

Go to our MARKETING & COMMS page for more help and examples of posts looking to recruit in social media and webmaster roles.

Helpful Webinars from the RFU

Reading RFC - Recruiting & Retaining Volunteers

Otley RFC - Thinking Differently to recruit 50+ volunteers

Building an Inclusive Volunteer Team

Oundle RFC Recruiting Volunteers from their membership

RFU - Engaging your club

Westbury RFC - Developing an inclusive culture leading to more volunteers

Burton RFC - Party on the Pitch

RFU: Volunteers and the law and Zero hour contracts