Surrey Rugby

Keep in touch with what's happenning in Surrey Rugby - and what opportunities for funding and training you could benefit from - by reading our new look Newsletter.  Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!  Got any good stories from your club?  Get in touch, we'd love to share them.  Want advice on your own comms?  We're here to help.

Chair: Joanna Gordon


Tel: 077202-44555

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Marketing & Comms


Helpful webinars from the RFU:

Attracting Sponsors & Partners - Take a look at what we've done on our SPONSORSHIP page. We have put together clear packages of offers which made it easier to make deals both with Sponsors and Partners. Target your deals to your local market.



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  • Put a post out for a Social Media manager. Here's a image you can copy and use.
  • Schedule posts to come out at regular intervals; sit down once a week and plan regular content
  • Work with younger members of your club to create content and reach a new audience
  • We love a good clip! Follow @surreyrugby on social media and tag us in your stories, then we can share them easily
  • Put a post out for a Social Media manager. Here's a image you can copy and use.
  • Watch these Webinars from the RFU


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  • Create your own online newsletter, there are lots of great, easy-to-use packages out there
  • Contact us to submit a story about your club for our Surrey Spotlight Newsletter