Surrey Rugby Diversity, Equality & Inclusion Policy 2021
The purpose of this policy is to set out Surrey Rugby's commitment to diversity and inclusion. It states how Surrey Rugby will develop its work plan with regard to equality, diversity and inclusion. It also outlines its targets, setting out processes for implementing, monitoring, and co-ordinating progress towards the achievement of the objectives of this policy.
The Management Committee of Surrey Rugby has agreed this policy and is responsible for its implementation and quarterly review.
Surrey Rugby understands and recognises its responsibilities in respect of diversity and inclusion and will ensure that its policies and procedures benefit not only its member clubs, but also the local communites that its clubs serve.
The Management Committee of Surrey Rugby is responsible for the implementation and effectiveness of this policy, recognising that the success of the policy is also dependant on the commitment of all member clubs, club members, players and volunteers.
The Management Committee is responsible for establishing base line data, establishing equality indicators and for devising and implementing positive action plans where appropriate.
Policy Statement
- Surrey Rugby is committed to operating in accordance and within the Employment Equality Act 1998 and the Equal Status Act 2000.
- As a Constituent Body of the Rugby Football Union, Surrey Rugby recognises the importance of and is committed to equality, diversity, equal opportunities, fair treatment and respect to all involved in Rugby Football in Surrey, the UK and World Rugby
- In particular, Surrey Rugby supports the RFU’s aspiration that rugby will be a sport that is renowned for its excellence and which embraces diversity and inclusion while attracting and developing talent.
- Surrey Rugby supports the RFU's aspiration that governance at every level should encourage inclusivity so that the game benefits from the wide range of skills and talents in the communities in which Surrey Rugby is active
- Surrey Rugby is committed to ensuring Rugby Football is accessible and open to everyone in Surrey who wishes to be involved in the game in any way.
- Surrey Rugby will deliver this by championing the principals of equal opportunity in every aspect of rugby in Surrey.
- Surrey Rugby will support the development and implementation of practices in its activities and those of its member clubs that do not discriminate against any person or group in any way.
- Surrey Rugby will work with its member clubs, staff and volunteers to ensure that everyone is treated fairly, with respect and on an equal and non–discriminatory basis. No individual or group should be placed at a disadvantage by imposing conditions or requirements.
- Surrey Rugby will ensure that all participants involved in all aspects of Rugby Football or other club activity in Surrey will be given equal opportunity irrespective of age, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, race, ethnic origin, religion or belief, ability or disability.
- Surrey Rugby is committed to eliminating discrimination by reason of age, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, race, ethnic origin, religion or belief, ability or disability. Surrey Rugby will ensure that all members of the Surrey rugby community have access to and have the opportunity to take part in, and enjoy, all programmes of activities, competitions and events.
- Surrey Rugby will not tolerate harassment, bullying, abuse or victimisation of any individual, including sexual or racially based harassment or other discriminatory behaviour, whether verbal or physical and will ensure such behaviour is met with appropriate action in whatever context it may occur.
- Surrey Rugby will proactively promote the principles of equal opportunity to all areas of its activity, ensuring that involvement in Surrey Rugby reflects the communities and groups it serves.
- Surrey Rugby believes that equality of equal opportunity and diversity is vital to its success and an essential pre-requisite to the achievement of its goals.
Policy in Action and Initial Targets
Surrey Rugby will:
- Review working practises, location and timings of its meetings to enable a more diverse group of people to participate.
- Support the RFU in Council Members appointments to attract and retain a more diverse RFU Council. In particular, review the Surrey Rugby processes for recruitment and to Council positions
- Engage in training programmes provided by the RFU that could to support Surrey Rugby by enhancing diversity awareness
- Collect D&I data on a confidential basis to allow progress to be tracked and trends to be monitored anonymously
- Provide guidance to clubs to support inclusive practises and show case best practise
- Develop a best practise recruitment tool kit to attract a diverse range of candidates for each appointment on Surrey Rugby management committees and share this with member clubs.
- Convene a Diversity and Inclusion Forum for Surrey Rugby to engage with diverse groups within Surrey Rugby and drive diversity and inclusion forward.
- Develop an action and delivery plan.