Surrey Rugby

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Our Gold Sponsors are our Community Partners: £6k

Surrey and the rugby family in general is becoming a more active partner to the business, charity, local authority, health, education and law enforcement groups in the county. Together, we can make Surrey a bellwether for the power of sport, business and community working together to make a huge difference to the lives of our people through:

  • Improved mental and physical health
  • Greater social inclusion and mobility
  • Greater equality and diversity, particularly for those from hard-to-reach and disadvantaged backgrounds
  • Increased skills attainment and career signposting for young people

We have access to our own programmes in these areas and we partner with a number of excellent sport-based projects that also deliver against these important outcomes.

How it works

Once you become an official community partner you will be guaranteed category exclusivity for the duration of the agreement.  Our commercial team will liaise you to establish the key brand messages you wish to convey and to which audiences. We are looking for organisations from the private and public sectors to contribute a minimum of £6,000 pa to become a Gold Partner.

Game Tickets

As sponsors of Surrey Rugby we are able to offer a right to purchase international and premiership tickets as part of the package.