Surrey Rugby

Volunteer Coordinator Role Description

Nature and scope

  • The appointment of the CB Volunteer Coordinator is for one year
  • The CBVC is a member of the Executive Committee
  • There is no restriction on the number of years anyone may serve as CBVC


Lead on all club volunteering related matters for the CB, including the promotion of CB, RFU or external volunteering awards with clubs and collation of nominations for submission. Work
with the Executive Committee and CB Succession Manager in the creation of a succession planning process, to ensure you always have volunteers ready and willing to step up or
provide cover for key roles.

Key aspects of the role:

  • Promotion of good practice in volunteer management - Promote the Club Volunteer Co-ordinator (CVC) role and host volunteer forums and workshops, with the support of the local RDO. Identify and share good practice in volunteer recruitment, retention and recognition eg via the CB website, newsletters, social media etc. Signpost clubs to useful resources eg volunteer role descriptions.
  • Promotion of volunteering engagement programmes- Promote the Young Rugby Ambassadors programme and support the creation of opportunities for young volunteers (aged 14-24). Promote Keep Your Boots On! (KYBO!) and highlight the opportunities for retaining former players in the game.
  • Volunteer recognition and reward - As the main contact with the RFU’s Volunteer Engagement Manager, promote RFU volunteer recognition and reward opportunities to clubs, collate responses, check against
    records to ensure the volunteer hasn’t recently received high level R&R and submit nominations to RFU in good time. Liaise with the CB Honorary Secretary and International Tickets contact, to ensure that records are kept of volunteers receiving tickets and/or RFU Money Can’t Buy volunteer recognition and reward.
  • Communications with stakeholders -Visit clubs regularly to increase your understanding of volunteer achievements and issues. Promote and encourage engagement by clubs in RFU initiatives and opportunities
    including NatWest RugbyForce, the Leadership Academy, England Rugby Deals etc. Identify potential volunteers from clubs for the Leadership Academy and the CB.

Experience, Knowledge, Skills and competencies required

  • Well-organised with accurate and efficient IT and administration skills
  • Interested in volunteer management/development matters
  • Well-connected to clubs or willing to develop relationships
  • Pro-active, confident and good at communicating
  • Flexible and able to visit clubs at their convenience