Player Welfare, and making rugby as safe as possible, is the joint responsibility of all involved in the game. It is important that good practice is embedded across CBs and clubs to support the promotion of a proactive approach to player welfare and safety. CBs may take a variety of approaches to covering the tasks below depending on current structure but must ensure each task has an assigned lead. For example, appoint an individual the “RugbySafe Manager” role or split the tasks across a small group of volunteers.
Key tasks
- CB First Aid / Immediate Care Pitch-side provision for Representative Rugby - Review the CB risk assessments and current first aid (FA) and immediate care (IC) provision for training and matches. Referring to the RFU’s recommended minimum levels, create a plan to ensure every training session and match is appropriately covered.
- Training & Equipment- Arrange training to ensure all appointed first aiders and immediate care practitioners are trained and up-to-date with an appropriate level of qualification, in line with RFU guidelines (e.g. RFU Emergency First aid in Rugby Union and Immediate Care in Sport courses). Have a process in place for the management of FA/IC supplies and equipment.
- Reporting - Ensure there is process in place to keep records of player medical conditions, monitor injuries and report incidents/injuries as they happen in line with RFU regulations.
- Funding / PFR - Review and manage budgets requirements for player welfare projects and FA/IC provision. Input into the PFR planning process, to provide funding and enable opportunities for CB and clubs to support player welfare across all levels of the game.
- RugbySafe - Utilise the RFUs RugbySafe scheme and guidelines (e.g. management of concussion), working with other key personnel (e.g. coaches and CB safeguarding manager) to support wider best practice and ensure that all volunteers and parents are aware of how to support player welfare.
- Club Support - Act as a contact for clubs on behalf of the CB. Work with clubs to gain an understanding of current compliance levels and provide support and guidance on FA/IC training, injury reporting and other player welfare issues.