Janice joined the Management Committee in about 2010 when she was Vice Chairman of the then Rugby Football Union for Women. With the help of Catherine Spencer the then RDO and Malcolm Caird, she convened the first Surrey Women’s and Girls Forum. Volunteers then came forward to take the W&G’s game successfully forward in Surrey. As a family the Anastasi’s support Richmond locally as her daughter Sara achieved over 100 caps and represented England at various levels.
Janice became Deputy President in 2016 and President in 2017. She is currently overseeing Succession Planning and Inclusion and Diversity. Janice also sits on the Surrey Discipline Panel and the RFU Age Grade Governance Sub Committee.
Outside of rugby, Janice is a retired head teacher and has acted as an educational consultant delivering multi agency safeguarding and improvement services. She currently sits on admissions appeal panels and independent reviews of permanent exclusions from schools.