Surrey Rugby

Multi Format Code

Three equal columns across the Page


Column 1

Content for Column 1

Column 2

Content for Column 2

Column 3

Content for Column 3


Each time you need a new Row of columns just repeat the code as below


Column 1

Content for Column 1

Column 2

Content for Column 2

Column 3

Content for Column 3


For 2 columns use the code below - adjust the 'col-sm-?' value to vary the column widths - total of all the column widths must always be 12


Column 1 - half width

Content for Column 1

Column 2 - half width

Content for Column 2


Code for Responsive Tables - for panel members, coaches and the like

There is a small piece of code at the top and bottom of the table that you need to copy to make it responsive.  Plese make sure you go into the code view to copy this table and the code top and bottom






 sweeper  John Doe  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 012345 678 963