RFU Surrey Leagues are Sponsored by Byrne Group.
How it works
Maximum of 18-22 league games per season, with leagues split into teams of 10 or 12. The leagues are:
League and Level | Participating Surrey Clubs |
National 1 - Level 3 | Rosslyn Park, Richmond |
National 3 East - Level 4 | Barnes, Dorking, Esher, Wimbledon |
Regional 1 South - Level 5 | Camberley |
Regional 2 Central - Level 6 | London Irish Amateurs, Guildford, Farnham |
Regional 2 South-East- Level 6 | Battersea, Cobham, Old Reigatian, Reeds Weybridge, Sutton & Epsom |
Regional 2 Thames - Level 6 | Chobham |
Counties 1; Premier 1 (Surrey/Sussex) - Level 7 | East Grinstead, Eastbourne, Hove, KCS, Kingston, Old Cranleighans, Old Tiffinians, Old Walcountians, Teddington, Trinity, Twickenham, Weybridge Vandals |
Counties 2; Premier 2 (Surrey) - Level 8 | Chipstead, Law Society, Purley John Fisher, Old Amplefordians, Old Blues, Old Caterhamians, Old Freemen, Old Haileyburians, Old Rutlishians, Old Whitgiftians, Old Wimbledonians, Warlingham |
Counties 3, Surrey 1 - Level 9 | Bec Old Boys, Economicals, Effingham & Leatherhead, London Exiles, London Media, Old Georgians, Old Emanuel, Old Johnians, Old Wellingtonians, Metrolpolitan Police, Worth Old Boys |
Counties 4, Surrey 2 - Level 10 | Cranleigh, Guildfordians, Harlequin Amateurs, Haslemere, Old Glynonians, Old Hamtonians, Old Paulines, Staines, Streatham-Croydon, Southwark Lancers |
Counties 5, Surrey 3 - Level 11 | Croydon, Egham Hallowegians, London French, Merton, Mitcham & Carshalton, Old Suttonains, Raynes Park, Reigate, Wandsworthians, Woking |
We also facilitate freindly matches to supplement the leagues and actively support teams to find fixtures on non-league weekends, or when their league match has been cancelled.
- Surrey County 3 Friendlies
- Surrey County 4 Friendlies
- Surrey County 5 Friendlies