Apply to run a Festival, League or Tournament Application for Permission to run a Senior or Youth Festival, League or Tournament Please complete all required fields! Your Details First Name(*) Invalid Input Last Name(*) Invalid Input Email(*) Invalid Input Mobile Number(*) Invalid Input Club, School or Organisation Details Club or Organisation Name(*) Invalid Input Club or Organisation Contact Number(*) Invalid Input Club or Organisation Address(*) Invalid Input Event Details Please note this form is for Youth (U12 to U18) and Senior Tournaments ONLY, please use the separate Minis Festival Application form for U7 to U11 What is the name of your event?(*) Invalid Input Date of Event(*) Invalid Input Where is the event being held?(*) Invalid Input Type of Event(*) Invalid Input Purpose of Event - including age group and number of teams(*) Invalid Input Please upload a draft of the proposed event rules and format, including total playing time and discipline procedures. Invalid Input Please confirm that a Risk Assessment will be carried out(*) Please Select ...YesNo Invalid Input Please confirm that there will be appropriate First Aid Cover(*) Please Select ...YesNo Invalid Input Please confirm that the event will comply with all RFU Age Grade Regulations, including 2023 Summer Activity Guidelines(*) Please Select ...YesNo Invalid Input Please confirm that all teams have adequate insurance cover or are members of ERFSU or Surrey Rugby(*) Please Select ...YesNo Invalid Input Please confirm that those running the event have current DBS checks and are suitably qualified to run the event(*) Please Select ...YesNo Invalid Input Submit Submit my Application Reset my Form